Evo kako možete da nosite mantil na dva načina. Juče je padala kiša i osjećala se vlaga u vazduhu s toga sam morala da obučem ovaj mantil. Ovaj mantil je tanak i odličan je za kišne dane u ovo doba godine. Prvi način je da jednostavno sa prednje strane vežete jednu mašnu a drugi način je da dugmiće zakopčate spolja i da pozadi vežete jednu mašnicu. Do sljedećeg posta. :* B. Here is how you can wear trench coat in two ways. It was raining yesterday and there was high level of humidity so because of that I had to wear this trench coat. It is thin and it is good for rainy days at this time of year. The first way is to simply, on the front, tie a bow and the second way is to buckle the buttons outwards and tie a bow on the back. See you soon. :* B.
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